Andrea Tononi

Postdoc - ICFO (Spain)

I am a theoretical physicist doing research on ultracold atomic gases. I contributed to the study of a Bose gas confined on the surface of a sphere by characterizing its quantum statistical, superfluid and few-body properties, and I addressed the few-body binding problem in mass-imbalanced fermionic mixtures.

Currently, I am a postdoc in the group of Prof. Maciej Lewenstein at ICFO, where I am working within the framework of the PASQuanS2 project. I previously did a postdoc (2021-2023) in the group of Dr. Dmitry Petrov at LPTMS, and the PhD (2018-2021) in the group of Prof. Luca Salasnich at the Università di Padova.

You can contact me at:



Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO, Castelldefels)

Supervisor: Prof. Maciej Lewenstein

11/2023 -


Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Modèles Statistiques (LPTMS, Orsay)

Supervisor: Dr. Dmitry S. Petrov

12/2021 - 10/2023

PhD in Physics

Università degli studi di Padova

Thesis: "Low-Dimensional Quantum Gases in Curved and Flat Geometries".
Thesis supervisor: Prof. Luca Salasnich

10/2018 - 11/2021

Master of Science in Physics

Università degli studi di Padova

110/110 L

Thesis: "Bose-Einstein Condensation and Superfluidity in 3D and 2D bosons".
Thesis supervisor: Prof. Luca Salasnich

09/2016 - 09/2018

Bachelor of Science in Physics

Università degli studi di Padova


Thesis: "On the diffusive approximation of the Master Equation".
Thesis supervisors: Dr. Gianluigi Serianni, Dr. Fabio Sattin

09/2013 - 07/2016


A. Tononi and M. Lewenstein,
Temporal Bell inequalities in a many-body system,

A. Tononi, L. Salasnich and A. Yakimenko,
Quantum vortices in curved geometries,
AVS Quantum Sci. 6, 030502 (2024).
Full text

J. Givois, A. Tononi, and D. S. Petrov,
Heavy-light N+1 clusters of two-dimensional fermions,
SciPost Phys. 17, 050 (2024).
Paper included in SciPost Selections.
Full text

A. Tononi, G. Astrakharchik and D. S. Petrov,
Gas-to-soliton transition of attractive bosons on a spherical surface,
AVS Quantum Sci. 6, 023201 (2024).
Full text

A. Tononi and L. Salasnich,
Shell-shaped atomic gases,
Phys. Rep. 1072, 1-48 (2024).
Published version (pdf)

A. Tononi and L. Salasnich,
Low-dimensional quantum gases in curved geometries,
Nat. Rev. Phys. 5, 398 (2023).
Published version (pdf)
Press coverage (in italian): unipd, le Scienze.

J. Givois, A. Tononi, and D. S. Petrov,
Self-binding of one-dimensional fermionic mixtures with zero-range interspecies attraction,
SciPost Physics 14, 091 (2023).
Full text

N. Lundblad, et al.
Perspective on Quantum Bubbles in Microgravity,
Quantum Sci. Technol. 8, 024003 (2023).
Full text

L. Salasnich, A. Cappellaro, K. Furutani, A. Tononi, and G. Bighin,
First and Second Sound in Two-Dimensional Bosonic and Fermionic Superfluids,
Symmetry 14, 2182 (2022).
Full text

A. Tononi, J. Givois, and D. S. Petrov,
Binding of heavy fermions by a single light atom in one dimension,
Phys. Rev. A 106, L011302 (2022).
Full text

A. Tononi,
Scattering theory and equation of state of a spherical two-dimensional Bose gas,
Physical Review A 105, 023324 (2022).
Full text

A. Tononi, A. Pelster, and L. Salasnich,
Topological superfluid transition in bubble-trapped condensates,
Physical Review Research 4, 013122 (2022).
Full text

A. Tononi,
Low-Dimensional Quantum Gases in Curved and Flat Geometries,
PhD thesis (2021).
Full text

K. Furutani, A. Tononi, and L. Salasnich,
Sound modes in collisional superfluid Bose gases,
New Journal of Physics 23, 043043 (2021).
Full text

A. Tononi, A. Cappellaro, G. Bighin, and L. Salasnich,
Propagation of first and second sound in a two-dimensional Fermi superfluid,
Physical Review A 103, L061303 (2021).
Full text

A. Tononi, F. Toigo, S. Wimberger, A. Cappellaro, and L. Salasnich,
Dephasing-rephasing dynamics of one-dimensional tunneling quasicondensates,
New Journal of Physics 22, 073020 (2020).
Full text

A. Tononi, F. Cinti, and L. Salasnich,
Quantum Bubbles in Microgravity,
Physical Review Letters 125, 010402 (2020).
Full text
Press coverage: unipd, local news, Il Bo Live. Public outreach: video 1, video 2 (in italian).

A. Tononi and L. Salasnich,
Bose-Einstein Condensation on the Surface of a Sphere,
Physical Review Letters 123, 160403 (2019).
Full text

A. Tononi, Y. Wang, and L. Salasnich,
Quantum Solitons in Spin-Orbit Coupled Bose-Bose Mixtures,
Physical Review A 99, 063618 (2019).
Full text

A. Tononi,
Zero-Temperature Equation of State of a Two-Dimensional Bosonic Quantum Fluid with Finite-Range Interaction,
Condensed Matter 4(1), 20 (2019).
Full text

A. Tononi, A. Cappellaro, and L. Salasnich,
Condensation and superfluidity of dilute Bose gases with finite-range interaction,
New Journal of Physics 20, 125007 (2018).
Full text

A. Tononi,
Bose-Einstein Condensation and Superfluidity in 3D and 2D bosons,
Master thesis (2018).
Full text

A. Tononi,
On the diffusive approximation of the Master Equation,
Bachelor thesis (2016).
Full text

Conferences and Talks

Atomtronics 2024

Benasque, Spain

Talk: "Gas-to-soliton transition of attractive bosons on the surface of a sphere"

31 May 2024

PASQuanS2.1 First Year Meeting

Castelldefels, Spain

Poster: "Binding of bosons with chiral zero-range interactions in one dimension"

16 April 2024

Quantum simulators workshop @ Institut Henri Poincaré

Paris, France

Poster: "Few-body bound states in low-dimensional fermionic mixtures"

7 February 2024

Seminar at the LPTMC laboratory

Paris, France

Talk: "Ultracold atomic gases: from curved geometries to quantum mixtures"

5 February 2024

Cold Atoms Workshop

Barcelona, Spain

Poster: "Few-body bound states in low-dimensional fermionic mixtures"

25 January 2024

Seminar at the INPHYNI institute

Nice, France

Invited talk: "Ultracold atomic gases: from curved geometries to quantum mixtures"

23 November 2023

Seminar at LPMMC laboratory

Grenoble, France

Invited talk: "Self-bound fermionic mixtures in 1D"

22 September 2023

Seminar at the IJCLab

Orsay, France

Invited talk: "Self-binding of a Fermi-Fermi atomic mixture with zero-range attraction in one dimension"
See the talk here

7 September 2023

EGAS 54 conference

Strasbourg, France

Poster: "Self-bound Fermi-Fermi mixtures in 1D"

18-22 June 2023

Precision Many-Body Physics

Paris, France

Poster: "Self-binding in one- and two-dimensional mass-imbalanced fermionic mixtures"

12-14 June 2023

Seminar at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)

Barcelona, Spain

Talk: "Self-bound fermionic mixtures in 1D"
See the talk here

25 January 2023

Seminar at ICFO

Barcelona, Spain

Invited talk: "Self-bound fermionic mixtures in 1D"
See the talk here

24 January 2023

Ultracold Quantum Matter: Basic Research and Applications

Bad Honnef, Germany

Poster: "Self-binding of one-dimensional fermionic mixtures"
See the poster here

11-16 December 2022

Workshop of the French national research network on Quantum Gases

Lille, France

Poster: "Self-binding of one-dimensional fermionic mixtures"
See the poster here

24-26 October 2022

Superfluctuations 2022

Padova, Italy

Invited talk: "How many heavy fermions can be bound by a single light atom in 1D?"
See the talk here

6-8 July 2022

ECT* workshop, Nuclear Physics at the edge of stability

Trento, Italy

Invited talk: "Binding of heavy fermions by a single light atom in 1D"
See the talk here

4-8 July 2022

Journées du LPTMS 2022

Bordeaux, France

Contributed talk: "Binding of heavy fermions by a single light atom in 1D"
See the talk here

18-20 May 2022

Palaiseau-Florence Workshop on Ultracold Atoms

Firenze, Italy

Invited talk: "Scattering theory and equation of state of a spherical 2D Bose gas"
See the talk here

19-22 April 2022

Workshop on Prospects of Quantum Bubble Physics


Invited talk: "Scattering theory and equation of state of a spherical 2D Bose gas"
See the talk here

6-7 April 2022

SIFS Young Seminars


Invited talk: "Quantum statistics and BKT transition of a shell-shaped superfluid"
See the talk here

9 December 2021

Seminars for the Physics Department at the University of Padova

Padova, Italy

For the Physics of Matter group: "Static and dynamic properties of one-dimensional quantum gases",
For the Condensed Matter Theory group: "Hydrodynamic excitations in bosonic and fermionic 2D superfluids"

8 November 2021

Seminars for the Physics Department at the University of Padova

Padova, Italy

For the Physics of Matter group: "Ultracold quantum gases: a brief overview and a focus on microgravity experiments",
For the Condensed Matter Theory group: "Regularized equation of state of a spherical two-dimensional Bose gas"

12 October 2021

BEC 2021 conference

Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain

Contributed poster: "Equilibrium and nonequilibrium physics of bubble-trapped condensates"
See the talk here

11-17 September 2021

Online seminar of the Quantech group at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

Natal, Brazil

Invited talk: "Hydrodynamic excitations in bosonic and fermionic 2D superfluids"
See the talk here

2 September 2021

Ultracold Quantum Gases

Bad Honnef, Germany
8-14 August 2021

Online seminar of the quantum theory group at the University of Padova


Invited talk: "Hydrodynamic excitations in bosonic and fermionic 2D superfluids"
See the talk here

21 June 2021

Superfluctuations 2021

Online conference

Invited talk: "Topological BKT transition in bubble-trapped condensates"
See the talk here

14-15 June 2021

52nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics

Online conference

Contributed talk: "Superfluid BKT transition of 2D bubble-trapped condensates"
See the talk here

31 May - 4 June 2021

APS March Meeting 2021

Online conference

Contributed talk: "Quantum Statistics of a Shell-Shaped Bose-Einstein Condensate"
See the talk here

15-19 March 2021

Theory Colloquium

Kaiserslautern, Germany

Invited talk: "The physics of shell-shaped Bose-Einstein condensates"
See the talk here

11 February 2021

Exploring Quantum Many-Body Physics with Ultracold Atoms and Molecules

Bad Honnef, Germany

Contributed talk: "Quantum statistical properties of shell-shaped Bose-Einstein condensates"
See the talk here

14-18 December 2020

Superfluctuations 2020

Online conference

Video seminar: "Quantum bubbles in microgravity"
See the talk here

22-23 June 2020

Spring Meeting on Ultracold Quantum Matter

Padova, Italy

Invited talk: "Quantum bubbles in microgravity"
See the talk here

4 June 2020

BECCAL Brainstorming Workshop

Ulm, Germany
12-13 December 2019

QFC2019 - Quantum gases, fundamental interactions and cosmology

Pisa, Italy

Poster presentation: "Condensation in 2D: from nonuniversal effects to bubble traps"
See the poster here

23-25 October 2019

Superfluctuations 2019

Padova, Italy

Member of Local Organizing Committee

Poster presentation: "Quantum solitons in one-dimensional spin-orbit coupled Bose-Bose mixtures"
See the poster here

2-4 September 2019

Methods of Path Integration in Modern Physics

Bad Honnef, Germany
25-31 August 2019

Workshop on Quantum Mixtures

Trento, Italy

Poster presentation: "Condensation in 2D: from nonuniversal effects to bubble traps"
See the poster here

15-17 July 2019

New Trends in Complex Quantum Systems Dynamics

Venezia, Italy

Poster presentation: "Beyond-mean-field functional integration for Bose-Einstein condensates"
See the poster here

9-12 April 2019

Physics of Strongly Coupled Systems

Bad Honnef, Germany

Poster presentation: "Beyond-mean-field functional integration for Bose-Einstein condensates"
See the poster here

31 March - 5 April 2019

Superfluctuations 2018

San Benedetto del Tronto, Italy

Poster presentation: "Low-temperature superfluid density expansion of three- and two- dimensional uniform Bose gases."
See the poster here

5-7 September 2018


My CV in pdf format